Daycare & preschool formats in the collection
See experience think
Museum Service Hamburg
Tel. +49-(0)40-428131-0
Education Hamburger Kunsthalle
Here we present our offerings for 3- to 6-year-olds. They are geared towards asking questions about art appropriate to the developmental level and needs of the children. Playful and sensory methods are used to introduce children to the museum as a place for adventure and experimentation. The focus is on children’s joy in seeing, thinking and experiencing.
All our offerings are dialogue-based and interactive. Our 60-minute activities take place exclusively in the galleries. The 90- and 120-minute daycare and preschool activities combine a visit to the collection with hands-on creativity in our studios.
Longer-term projects with several consecutive dates can of course also be booked. You are welcome to freely combine your desired formats from our range or coordinate in-depth themes with us.
On request, we can also adapt formats to different age levels.
In addition to the activities in the collection, we also offer digital activities for daycare and preschool groups. Find out more on the following pages.
Flyer daycare & preschool formats
This flyer offers an overview over the Hamburger Kunsthalle's daycare & preschool formats (in German).
Our formats for children aged 3-6
Interactive discussion and hands-on creativity
60-90 min collection | 90-120 min collection + studio
For young first-time visitors, just getting to the museum can be very exciting. The huge museum doors and the imposing staircase, the cube-shaped new building and the golden frames are already an impressive experience. In this offering, space is made for the sensory perception of the museum to unfold. Anything that seems interesting is looked at, examined, tried out, measured and related to one’s own body. This format is particularly suitable for getting to know the Kunsthalle. On their next visit, the Museum Heroes will have plenty of time to become art connoisseurs ...
Made possible by: Böttcher-Stiftung and Hanns R. Neumann Stiftung
Interactive discussion and hands-on creativity
60-90 min collection | 90-120 min collection + studio
Today, the Museum Heroes will revel in the joy of colour! Colours can be shiny, matt, glowing or dark as night. Not all blues are the same, a red can be very loud, and purple and yellow make a striking contrast. Observations are made on the mixture, the sound and effect of colours, while colour memory, picture books and colour experiments hone our eyes, words and thoughts.
Made possible by: Böttcher-Stiftung and Hanns R. Neumann Stiftung
Interactive discussion and hands-on creativity
60-90 min collection | 90-120 min collection + studioA place for everything and everything in its place! Marvellous and unusual things come together on the Kunstkammer shelves. A still life shows masterfully painted glasses and vases. Geometric shapes are arranged in another picture. The participants will seek out orderly patterns and structures. What principles of order can be identified? What sorts of things are assembled here? How do you organise your toys? Perhaps we will also take a look at what you have collected in your pocket.
Made possible by: Böttcher-Stiftung and Hanns R. Neumann Stiftung
Interactive discussion and hands-on creativity
90-120 min collection + studioHeavy sheets of felt, rough sand, delicate lines, thickly applied paint – today it’s all about haptics. The artworks and their materials take centre stage. We will feel things with closed eyes and see things with open ears. In the studio, we will then continue to experiment, combine materials and intensify the haptic experience: by kneading, glueing, scraping, folding and painting.
Made possible by: Böttcher-Stiftung and Hanns R. Neumann Stiftung
Interactive discussion and hands-on creativity
60-90 min collection | 90-120 min collection + studioMouth, nose, eyes, eyebrows, forehead ... How does our face change when we raise an eyebrow or lower the corner of our mouth? How does our skin feel? Do you still recognise yourself in the mirror? Do you think the person shown in the painting recognised themselves in the image? Does the skin in the picture look like my skin feels? Me and you – in the mirror, in the artwork and in the person opposite me – meet up in this offering.
Made possible by: Böttcher-Stiftung and Hanns R. Neumann Stiftung
Interactive discussion and hands-on creativity
60-90 min collection | 90-120 min collection + studio
The Nautilus shell displays such an interesting spiral shape that it has earned a place on the Kunstkammer shelf. Its pattern comes from nature, but in the picture it becomes a work of art. The Kunsthalle is in fact teeming with patterns. What makes a pattern a pattern, and what purpose does it serve? Look out: On your way home, you will notice that repetitions, patterns and ornaments are suddenly lurking everywhere!
Made possible by: Böttcher-Stiftung and Hanns R. Neumann Stiftung
Interactive discussion and hands-on creativity
60-90 min collection | 90-120 min collection + studio
A puff of air sets the delicate, floating structure in motion, the neon sign passes quickly over our heads, the sculpture dances in a circular motion. Um, really? But it’s just standing there stock-still and can’t move at all. Today we will prove the opposite, because we can imagine how the gesture could continue. Our own bodies will become dynamic sculptures. And ... stop! Suddenly they are as motionless as stone.
Made possible by: Böttcher-Stiftung and Hanns R. Neumann Stiftung
Interactive discussion and hands-on creativity
60-90 min collection | 90-120 min collection + studio
Pictures are full of stories. They just need to be told. There are plenty of main characters here: the goddess of spring, a speaking torso, a dragon slayer. We will track down their stories. How can they be told in just one picture? What happened before and what happened next? There is a story in the Kunsthalle that unfolds before our eyes like a big picture book. Another is told through moving images. Let’s get going and start reading the pictures!
Made possible by: Böttcher-Stiftung and Hanns R. Neumann Stiftung
Our formats for children from age 5 on
60-90 min collection | 90-120 min collection + studio
A mysterious creature called Loplop, a man who can only be seen from behind, scuffed shoe soles and random techniques make our thoughts soar. Does everything that can be seen in the pictures also exist in reality? And is it possible to see everything that is happening in them? Thoughts about fantasy versus reality, the visible versus the invisible accompany us on our way through the Kunsthalle.
Made possible by: Böttcher-Stiftung and Hanns R. Neumann Stiftung
60-90 min collection | 90-120 min collection + studio
What did you eat yesterday? When is your next birthday? Past and future, boredom, the here and now, the seasons: The search for time begins with your own thoughts on the subject. The Kunsthalle has a lot to offer here. A drop that requires a lot of patience. A painting that is almost 700 years old. The course of events with surprising twists and turns ... A timeline and a picture book accompany the search through the museum for traces of time.
Made possible by: Böttcher-Stiftung and Hanns R. Neumann Stiftung
Made possible by

Mon - Fri:
9 am to 12 pm
2 pm to 6 pm
Phone consulation:
Tue 12 pm – 1 pm
Thu 4 pm – 5 pm